... sense of humour-Ra is important in music, same as everywhere else innit! Thus'ly I present to thee three lovely mixes as follows:
The Rest is Noise - is the most recent with some unexpected complex electro bits (see 31.30 for brain spaz) in amongst the seemingly mainstream gumf. I've pointed my fave bits out with my comments on SoundCloud. Also watch out for the comedy interludes of Ivor Cutler at 14.45 (a favourite I must say) and 'I am a very stylish girl' (18.15)...
Well Seasoned - is the the next most recent with comedy interludes coutesy of the 'Salmon Dance' (7mins) and 'I like Apples and Oranges' (38mins). Nice HotChip mix in there too...
Revenge of the Long Haired Freaky People - well you get the idea.... but this one is a bit more of a JAZZ style mix... gotta be in the right silly mood for this.... or just on in the background for up-tempo relaxed moozik! (NB: hosted on my soundcloud page for now)
Anyway, enjoy those as a bit of change from the usual BANG BANG BANG!!
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