Smarter than the average bear by MaryMissFairy
No longer an anticipation, but now an actually astounding amalgamation of aural altercations - this is a journey into some of the most filthy driving electro sounds you'll find this side of Pooh Corner. Make sure you download it fast while you still can!! Yes unbelievably its FREE!

Actually towards the end of the mix it reminded me of her set at Matter earlier in the year, which at the time was right on the edge of my 'heavy-techno' radar. But since then my tastes have changed to appreciate this flavour much more... I think it comes across better on headphones also! Its also much less playful on the dance floor than the more dirty disco tracks. But then its also great to hear the heavy bass with your whole body at a club on massif speakers.... so it seems there are many different ways and moods to access this mix in! So my advice is to keep coming back to it and different tracks will stand out at different times. This is a sign of a good mix in my books (but thats just my humble opinion - but I'm usually right (in my mind!)).
Here's a 'random' picture I selected of Mary on her obviously-a-less-than-smart bear skin rug, thinking about her new set list (probably!). Shame really, if she made a bit of effort she could actually look all right ;)

Top mix Mary, thanks so much for persevering through the technical issues. It Roxs so much - I have no soxs left! RRRAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa!
1) Undertaker - Wolgang Gartner
2) Overdrive - Mac and Lewis - Gustavo assis remix
3) Ask the right question - Neelix (Dirty Loud remix)
4) Beaut - Sub Beat project - David Vade remix
5) Operator - DJ Dan & Uberzone - Miles Dyson Dub
6) Brighton Bass - Atomic drop
7) Right here right now - Digital Freq
8)Apes from Space - Aaren San - Dirty Loud remix
9)21st Centuary Disco Shit - The Soulbrothers - Miles Dyson remix
10)Mumble - Pance party
11)) Girls Speak Louder - Costello - Donique remix
12) Tricks - Cul;prit 1 - Rogue element remix
13) Rox Sox - Uppermost