Route 20 by AaronPope
Upbeat and dancey to start with, it gets nice and glitchy through the middle, and gets heavier towards the end, maintaining a pumping beat all the way through... Good juggling music for me!
And now a cheeky advert: I'm selling my decks and Serato Scratch SL1. I'm not emigrating, or giving up DJing, no... I've just realised I don't have the time in my life to become an awesome vinyl DJ - too many other things to learn!
So... I was visiting Mr Knoxious recently, and he introduced me to the wonders of the VCI300. One good-looking eBay deal later, and boom:

So now I really am going to make a mix soon, because I guess it might be easier to record with this!
Now for something completely different. I've not really listened to much drum'n'bass recently, but this brutal mashup appeared on the radar straight out of nowhere and hit me really hard. Free download too!
Gyptian ft. 50 Cent - Hold Yuh Again (Turntable Dubbers mashup) by Turntable Dubbers
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